Luke Josiah Brooks!

Today is a very exciting day! TODAY, WE ADOPTED LUKE JOSIAH BROOKS! He has been a big part of our family since we picked him up from the hospital when he was just three days old. When Tammy and I decided to become foster parents, our goal was to just try and help keep sibling groups together while their parents worked through whatever issue caused the children to be removed. Our kids were all grown, and we just felt we could provide a safe loving home for some children.

We had no intention or even thought of adopting at the time. Since then, 21 foster children have stayed in our home. One little fellow was only here for 8ish hours and others were here for months. In Luke’s case, he has been with us for over three years.

As I say, we didn’t set out to adopt, but there were times in Luke’s life where it didn’t seem like he was going to have anywhere else to go. Tammy and I both felt that if we didn’t step up and “speak” for him, he might end up as just another child potentially “lost” in the system.

Today, Luke is a big part of what makes our house a home. He is so full of life, curiosity, and excitement that every day is an adventure. He is so happy when his nephew Oliver comes over to play (yes, Luke is an uncle with a nephew that is only 8 months younger than he is). Tammy and I are so blessed to see these two boys together and look forward to watching them grow up as brothers.

Here are a couple of pictures of Luke taking charge at the court house (Special thanks to the judge, who helped make the event very special).

Luke dropping the gavel

Luke dropping the gavel

Mom is having a blast

Mom is having a blast

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