Monthly Archives: May 2016

The boys at the drive-in

  Instead of watching the 130′ drive-in screen…the boys are each on their 7″ Display, Fire Kids Edition Tablet, (with the Kid-Proof Case)    

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Luke – the Pyro

Sparklers can be so boring. We found some on a shelf from last July and figured it might be fun to light a few at once. Here are a couple videos of us trying a few things. The first day … Continue reading

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Luke – Mother’s Day

Luke brought this home from school Here is a bigger version of the text area. I am not sure about some of the answers, but it is good that Luke thinks Tammy is only 24.

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Luke the bowler

He is a little hard to to hear in this first video when Tammy asks what he is making. I heard “so I can knock them down…” It took another attempt to actually knock them down.

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Luke the dancer

Hannah noticed Luke dancing, so she shot this quick video. You can see the concern look on Millie’s face. He tripped over her in a few minutes earlier.

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