Author Archives: scottb

Counterstrike – LAN Party

In the distant past (2001-2003?), we would host LAN parties at our work. We would mostly play a game called Counter-Strike. If that sounds familiar, watch this video for a stroll down memory lane. It was always a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in Age:06 Six-Eight | Comments Off on Counterstrike – LAN Party

Two and a half years… What the heck?

I have had things “queued up” that I wanted to post, but I kept neglecting to do it. Luke will be 9 in January! Some things just move so quickly. It is getting near that time of year where people … Continue reading

Posted in Age:06 Six-Eight | Comments Off on Two and a half years… What the heck?

Luke – my little “Bob Ross”

Since Netflix has Bob Ross: Beauty Is Everywhere, Luke has been very interested in painting. If you have ever seen Bob, you know how much he likes to clean his brushes. Luke wanted to show me that he can do … Continue reading

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Luke found my window :-)

Luke is hiding from mom as they work on the yard, and he found my window behind the bushes.

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Luke the typist

Luke was watching me type and decided it was time he learn. He seems to be a little faster than I am.

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The boys at the drive-in

  Instead of watching the 130′ drive-in screen…the boys are each on their 7″ Display, Fire Kids Edition Tablet, (with the Kid-Proof Case)    

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Luke – the Pyro

Sparklers can be so boring. We found some on a shelf from last July and figured it might be fun to light a few at once. Here are a couple videos of us trying a few things. The first day … Continue reading

Posted in Age:06 Six-Eight | Comments Off on Luke – the Pyro

Luke – Mother’s Day

Luke brought this home from school Here is a bigger version of the text area. I am not sure about some of the answers, but it is good that Luke thinks Tammy is only 24.

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Luke the bowler

He is a little hard to to hear in this first video when Tammy asks what he is making. I heard “so I can knock them down…” It took another attempt to actually knock them down.

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Luke the dancer

Hannah noticed Luke dancing, so she shot this quick video. You can see the concern look on Millie’s face. He tripped over her in a few minutes earlier.

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