Monthly Archives: March 2012

A game called “kee”

Since the process of uploading the prior video was so easy, I figured I may as well add another. This video starts out just staring at the corner between the kitchen and the living room. The reason I knew Luke … Continue reading

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A boy and his puzzle…

As Tammy and I were watching ‘Seven days in Utopia’ with Robert Duvall the other evening, I was also watching Luke playing with his puzzle. This is not an earth shattering viral video, but I thought it was cute, so … Continue reading

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Lincoln Log Fun!

The box said ages 3 and up.  Luke just turned two.  Oh well, what do they know? We purchased five different sets of Lincoln Logs.  We started out looking on eBay and bid on a few there.  One of the … Continue reading

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Starting List of Activities

From the list that I compiled during a recent training event, here is the starting list of things I want to teach or do with Luke.  The numbering is random.  I only included them for the sake of discussion. This … Continue reading

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Hello blog!

Why this blog? We wanted a place to document this journey of raising Luke.  In a recent training for foster care workers, we were challenged to start early in preparing children for adulthood.  It got my mind to thinking of … Continue reading

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