Category Archives: Age:02 Two

Things to do at two years old

Luke -“Best wishes” from a friend

Everybody has an “autocorrect” story. This is ours. It is a little dated now, but I just found it and wanted to get it posted.

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Luke watching TV

This was so cute, I just had to get it posted. This was his idea, I just happened to walk downstairs and find him this way.

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Sit ‘N Spin fun

This is a short video of Luke and Oliver playing in the floor. We only have one Sit ‘N Spin, but that didn’t stop Oliver from having fun. As Luke takes a hit and has to go see mommy, you … Continue reading

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Luke the “wounded” (Stickers)

We had just finished watching Jingle All the Way with Luke and he was dancing to the music at the end. Dancing for Luke usually involves a lot of spinning around. He lost his balance and fell with his head … Continue reading

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Luke the “fixer”

Here he is playing with his tools. You can see from the expression on his face that he takes this job very serious.

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Luke the fearless

This boy is always having fun. He has learned to stand up on his Tow Mater as he rides it. He is usually looking behind him or down at the wheels while he is driving. Seldom does he look directly … Continue reading

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Luke in “his” bed…

We have been having this struggle with Luke about sleeping in his own bed. Today, Tammy told him to go get in his bed and take a nap. When she went in to check on him later, she found him … Continue reading

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Really Hungry

After a very busy morning at the park, Luke was starving. Here is a fun video of lunch afterwards. I had stop filming before the end when he wanted his hands clean, so he just held them down to his … Continue reading

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Helping mommy…

Here is a quick video of Luke helping mom with some icing. We realize this is like watching somebody else’s home movies, but this little fellow brings us so much joy. We just have to share it…

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A boy and his boxes…

This is just a quick video showing how much fun a boy can have with a couple of cardboard boxes. Sometimes the simple toys are the most fun.

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